Increase profitability, manage student debts as a school owner.
Let My Debtor help you keep an accurate list directory of wards in debt and debtor list of schools in your locality.
Increase profitability, manage student debts as a school owner.
Let My Debtor help you keep an accurate list directory of wards in debt and debtor list of schools in your locality.
My debtor currently serves over 2000+ schools in over 20+ countries
We have built an incredible platform that is reliable, accurate and easy to use. Relax, let us go about the business of worrying about your debtors.
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Accurate List Directory
My debtor enables you keep an accurate directory list of students/wards owing the school.we also provide you with a place to manage debtor information. You can; add a new debtor, view the debt status, attach a note to the debtors details all this information is available to you at a glance.
Faster Debt Recovery
Work hand in hand with schools in your locality and share updates on wards with pending debt. This ensures faster debt recovery and also reduces bad debt as parents will be encouraged to settle old debts before moving on to another school.
Easily resolve collection disputes
Avoid the drama With our “contend debt” feature. it is easier to resolve issues that come with collecting your debt as the entire process is automated for you from alerting your debtor to resolving disputes this also helps you reach out to more customers at a time.
Miss. Taiwo Odeyemi
Principal. Royal girls college
“ With my debtor,
we can list out everyone
that owes us they pay up faster when they
realise they could not go to other schools because
they can see thier debt history “
Mrs. Jane Lambert
Director. British Grammer School
“ This platform has saved me a lot
of money, time and resources and i have
recovered debt a lot faster “
Doc. John Maduka
Primary school owner
“ My debtor has made it easier for
me to get my money back from parents “
Mr. Gbemi Adura
School Bursar
“ With my debtor,
we can list out everyone
that owes us they pay up faster when they
realise they could not go to other schools because
they can see thier debt history “
Set up your school's account, free forever and never worry
about a student with unpaid debt in your school again.
If you have further questions, please contact us